Anime, has transcend the stereotype of "just for kids" and has been recognized as something anyone could enjoy. Artist use it as a way to tell a story that simply isn't possible. How else could we tell a story about a space cowboy that is a bounty hunter with a ragtag crew? Hollywood has tried to capitalize on the unique stories told by anime and make live actions, but has thus far failed at it. There are stories out there that can only be show to adults. In Japan, nearly everyone watches anime and read graphic novels called Manga. As an American who wants to go to Japan and see it with my own eyes, this seems amazing for a country to love something like this.
The first anime that I ever watched was Dragon Ball Z. From there, whatever I could watch as a child. Card Captor Sakura (inspiration for my daughters middle name), Sailor Moon, and Knights of the Zodiac (I watched that while I lived in El Salvador). Thanks to the internet, I could watch anime whenever I want, where ever I want.
All I could say, it's a good time to be an anime fan.
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